Sunday, March 22, 2020
The Crusible Essay Research Paper Social deterioration free essay sample
The Crusible Essay, Research Paper Social impairment in # 8220 ; The Crucible # 8221 ; The impairment of Salem # 8217 ; s societal construction precipitated themurders of many guiltless people. Arthur Miller # 8217 ; s word picture of theSalem enchantress tests, The Crucible, deals with a community thatstarts out looking like it is tightly knit and church loving. Itturns out that one time Tituba starts indicating her finger at thewitches, the community starts indicating their fingers at eachother. Hysteria and concealed dockets break down the societal structureand so everyone must protect themselves from the people thatthey thought were their friends. The church, legal system and thetogetherness of the community died so that kids could protecttheir households # 8217 ; societal position. Bing isolated from any other group of people with differentbeliefs created a church led Puritan society that was non able toaccept a batch of alteration. The church was against the Satan, at thesame clip it was against such things as dance and otherpremature Acts of the Apostless. We will write a custom essay sample on The Crusible Essay Research Paper Social deterioration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The repute of the household was really of import tothe members of the community. When the misss were caught dancingin the forests, they lied to protect non merely themselves but thereputation of their households. They claimed that the Satan tookthem over and influenced them to dance. The misss besides said thatthey saw members of the town standing with the Satan. A communityliving in a puritan society like Salem could easy travel into achaotic province and have a hard clip covering with what theyconsider to be the largest signifier of immorality. Salem # 8217 ; s crazes made the community lose religion in the spiritualbeliefs that they were seeking to purely implement. The church lostmany of its parishioners because the involvement of the town was nowon Abigail because people wanted to cognize who was traveling to be namednext. When the church was seeking to unchurch John Proctor, there were non adequate people at church to make it. The people weregetting misled so far as to go for th a sticker stuck in the door oftheir curate # 8217 ; s house: Tonight, when I open my door to go forth myhouse_a sticker clattered to the land # 8230 ; There is danger forme. ( 128 ) were Parris # 8217 ; exact words. With the conveyor of Godfearing for his life there was no longer anyone but Abigail tolead the community. The justness system is designed to protect the people that itserves but during the tests the accused enchantress had two picks, decease or imprisonment. The penalty of decease was given to allpeople that pleaded non guilty ; the other penalty was to pleadguilty and travel to gaol. John Proctor gave his position of the justicesystem when he said I like non the odor of this `authority’ ( 29 ) .And do you cognize that near to four 100s are in the gaols fromMarblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature? ( 85 ) said Danforth, depicting the figure of people that were in gaol on charges ofwitchcraft. There were so many people executed that Hale commentedthere are orphans rolling from house to house ; abandoned cattlebellow on the trunk roads, the malodor of decomposing harvests hangseverywhere†¦ ( 130 ) Salem was turning into a shade town. WithAbigail commanding the community, the church no longer gettingthe whole town to prayer, and an unfair legal system, it isnatural that the people were in a province of entire pandemonium. The unexplained was caused by the Satan, so some members of Salemused the unexplained to their advantage. Mrs. Putnam told thetruth when she said, There are wheels within wheels in thisvillage, and fires within fires! ( 26 ) Mrs. Putnam did her portion ofspreading rumours after she heard that the misss were winging, soshe asked Parris How high did she ( Abigail ) fly, how high? ( 11 ) .These rumours happened because people did non desire any incrimination put onto themselves. This `passing the buck’ made people start fightingwith one another such as Corey bear downing Putnam of holding hisdaughter accuse a occupant of witchery in order to acquire Corey’sland. Abigail used her power of acquiring people to listen to her toher advantage when she charged Proctor’s partner with being a witchso Abigail could populate with John. This once more proves that Abigailhad control of the town and the unexplained turned neighboragainst neighbour. The societal dislocation in Salem was the major factor in the tragedythat took the lives of many guiltless people. There was more thanone cal amity in The Crucible. The first was the murdering of manyinnocent people, and the second was that a community that was oncevery close had been broken apart. It appeared that the people ofSalem were like a household but isolation really made them unableto adapt to a troublesome state of affairs. If the community could havehad a greater influence from another group of people so thesocial construction would hold been able to adaptTragedy: TheDeterioration of Salem During the Witch TrialsThe Crucible byArthur MillerJohn Hudson 31f
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Blackfish Review Let them be wild Professor Ramos Blog
Blackfish Review Let them be wild James Butte 11/26/18 English 010 3:00 Ramos Blackfish â€Å"In November 2015, SeaWorld announced plans to end killer-whale shows at its theme park in San Diego. In March 2016, SeaWorld announced it would end its orca breeding program and begin to phase out all live performances using orcas.†Kay, Jennifer SeaWorld to Stop Breeding Orcas, Making Them Perform Tricks., ). Fais, ScottSeaWorld San Diego ending killer whale shows, Orlando park to expand The documentary â€Å"Blackfish†directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite shows the truth behind what SeaWorld is doing to the Orcas. This documentary will change the way you think of Orcas in captivity as well as other creatures. This film provides the audience with graphic scenes of these creatures being treated poorly. These Orcas were captured at a very early age, the scene of the baby orca being taken from its mother really makes you feel sad. Just knowing that these people are taking a family member away from their loved ones just for the display of an ocean creature. Just think about what they could be doing instead of being stuck in a tiny tank compared to the giant ocean. According to, Blackfish is â€Å"Arguably one of the most impactful and successful documentary films, Blackfish fundamentally contributed to the elimination of SeaWorld’s breeding program in less than 3 years.†Certain artists have canceled their performances at SeaWorld because of Blackfish, the way this documentary was filmed was filmed perfectly to forward the information to the audience and caused protests for the animal’s rights outside SeaWorld. â€Å"Cowperthwaite interviews numerous ex-trainers who speak with deep affection about the whales they’ve worked with, yet also visible guilt and profound conviction about having helped exploit them for human entertainment.†(Chang) Even though these trainers try to make the situation seem better, they are still guilty of what they had to do. SeaWorld most likely forced them to say what they wanted them to say with things like contracts, etc. activist Howard Garrett also advances his expert view of orcas as naturally friendly, highly emotional creatures that need the freedom of the open seas (tellingly, they’ve never been known to attack humans in the wild). This just adds to the fact that Orcas do not belong in a fish tank. â€Å"The film then builds a compelling psychological profile of Tilikum, who, after being captured in 1983, was held at a now-defunct Canadian theme park called Sealand of the Pacific. There, he was subjected to uniquely abusive training techniques and frequently â€Å"raked,†or attacked, by two older female whales in his tank (the grisly evidence of which is plain to see in the close up footage presented here). Tilikum’s first human victim was a young Sealand trainer, Keltie Byrne, who slipped into the tank, was attacked by the three whales, and eventually drowned.†(Chang) Tilikum the Orca was sent away to this canadian theme park to be trained with techniques of abuse, starvation, and bullying of other Orcas. Just imagine being in Tilikum’s Point of view. This documentary shows graphic footage of blood, bullying of Tilikum, and the trainer is also killed by the three whales, this shows the anger, frustration of the creatures from how they ’re treated. How can you not be angry being held in a fish tank forced to perform for an audience or else be tortured your whole life? â€Å"In the wild, orcas swim upward of 100 miles per day. But at SeaWorld and other marine parks around the world, orcas are forced to swim in tiny circles to amuse tourists and spend the majority of their lives virtually motionless in concrete tanks that are the human equivalent of a bathtub. Their important matriarchal bonds are broken when babies are taken from their mothers and sold or transferred to other parks, and captive orcas live only a fraction of their average life span.†(Heather Murphy) Ocean Advocate Orcas are giant creatures that belong in the wide open ocean. Not a fish tank. Being in such a small tank they can’t even swim more than a couple hundred feet, when in the wild they should be swimming 100 or more miles per day. In the tank they would have to swim the circumference of the tank 1400 times to reach the equivalence of 100 miles. Cowperthwaite has a very dramatic way to show the effects on the Orcas being taken away from their families, cruel techniques of the trainers to force the Orcas to perform for an audience, and I don’t think anyone could have shown this information in such a powerful way. From growing up on an island I have learned that the Dolphin / Whale family is a very smart and kind species. They know how to trap their food and communicate with each other well. How can these giant animals that are captive in a fish tank accomplish these types of things? Some creatures aren’t meant to be held in aquariums and have their life be wasted away while they could be traveling the world with their giant families, especially a creature as smart and capable as an Orca. â€Å"Arguably one of the most impactful and successful documentary films, Blackfish fundamentally contributed to the elimination of SeaWorld’s breeding program in less than 3 years.† Caitlyn Burford* and Julie â€Å"Madrone†Kalil Schutten*. Communication, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA (12 January 2017)Burford C and Schutten JK (2017) Internatural Activists and the â€Å"Blackfish Effect†: Contemplating Captive Orcas’ Protest Rhetoric through a Coherence Frame. Front. Commun. 1:16. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2016.00016 â€Å"Cowperthwaite interviews numerous ex-trainers who speak with deep affection about the whales they’ve worked with, yet also visible guilt and profound conviction about having helped exploit them for human entertainment.†(Chang et al.) JANUARY 26, 2013 6:08PM PT. By: Justin Chang. With: John Hargrove, Samantha Berg, Jeffrey Ventre, John Jett, Mark Simmons, Dean Gomersall, Kim Ashdown, Carol Ray, Christopher Porter, Eric Walters, Steve Huxter, Ken Balcomb, Howard Garrett, Lori Marino, Dave Duffus, John Crowe, Suzanne Allee, Estefania Rodriguez, Mercedes Rodriguez. Google Scholar. â€Å"The film then builds a compelling psychological profile of Tilikum, who, after being captured in 1983, was held at a now-defunct Canadian theme park called Sealand of the Pacific. There, he was subjected to uniquely abusive training techniques and frequently â€Å"raked,†or attacked, by two older female whales in his tank (the grisly evidence of which is plain to see in the closeup footage presented here). Tilikum’s first human victim was a young Sealand trainer, Keltie Byrne, who slipped into the tank, was attacked by the three whales, and eventually drowned.† â€Å"In November 2015, SeaWorld announced plans to end killer-whale shows at its theme park in San Diego. Fais, Scott (November 10, 2015). SeaWorld San Diego ending killer whale shows, Orlando park to expand. St. Petersburg, Florida: Bay News 9. Archived from the original on November 16, 2015. Retrieved November 16. â€Å"In March 2016, SeaWorld announced it would end its orca breeding program and begin to phase out all live performances using orcas.†Kay, Jennifer (March 17, 2016). SeaWorld to Stop Breeding Orcas, Making Them Perform Tricks. Bloomberg. Retrieved March 17, 2016. â€Å"In the wild, orcas swim upward of 100 miles per day. But at SeaWorld and other marine parks around the world, orcas are forced to swim in tiny circles to amuse tourists and spend the majority of their lives virtually motionless in concrete tanks that are the human equivalent of a bathtub. Their important matriarchal bonds are broken when babies are taken from their mothers and sold or transferred to other parks, and captive orcas live only a fraction of their average life span.†(Heather Murphy) Ocean Advocate â€Å"Blackfish: The Documentary That Exposes SeaWorld†.
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