Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Al-Shabaab African Terrorist Organization
The Al-Shabaab is regarded as one of the most dangerous African terrorist organizations. Al-Shabaab is a multiethnic militant group out of Somalia that uses many terrorist tactics in attempts to gain control over the country of Somalia. They use many forms of terrorism that include ideological revolutionary, dissident, and nationalist terrorism, as they have the motive to gain power over a territory by overthrowing the government. The Al-Shabaab is suspected to have taken part in many terrorist attacks, including the 1998 United States embassies bombings. The motive behind their violence is their goal of creating an Islamic state in Somalia, which they believe is morally justified by the ideological beliefs. An important psychological†¦show more content†¦If Al-Shabaab notices an individual that they think will benefit them and help their cause, they will threaten the individual into joining the organization (NCTC, 2013). This is an example of the Al-Shabaab using the ration al selection method to select specific members. However, lower ranking members and solders of Al-Shabaab are more concerned about nationalist matters in hopes of gaining control of their territory, compared to its leaders, which are focused on the global jihad. It is reported that the lower ranking members of Al-Shabaab will sometimes shift alliances and turn on Al-Shabaab. This is an example of intergroup conflict within Al-Shabaab. If the members of the organization do switch sides, Al-Shabaab is powerful enough to manipulate that clan network and absorbing them. This makes Al-Shabaab more powerful and gains a significantly more amount of members at the cost of one. Al-Shabaab keeps their head internal leader unclear, although it’s leadership as a whole eventually falls upon Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s leader. Though it seems that Al-Shabaab tends to no comply with Ayman al-Zawahiri at all times. In 2010, Ayman al-Zawahiri replaced Al-Shabaab’s Emir, title o f a Muslim ruler, Moktar Ali Zubeyr â€Å"Godane†, who is regarded as Al-Shabaab’s Emir, with Ibrahim Haji Jama. However, Godane refused this notion and continued on to be the organizations ruler. Al-Shabaab, the cells of al-Qaeda, recently have begun to leave major cities in Somalia, in routeShow MoreRelatedAl-Shabaab Terrorist Group1590 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: Al-Shabaab as a terrorist group poses a significant threat in Somalia and in the global community. This paper will start by discussing the background. In this part the paper will show how the group has evolved from Al-Ittihad Al-Islam (AIAI) to the Islamic Court Union (ICU) and lastly to Al-Shabaab. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Student Loan Debt An Important Role For College Students
Student Loan Debt Financial support has played an important role for college students, especially for university students, whose family could not support their education after they have graduated from high school. Due to this situation, students have to go through a lot of problems with their tuition fees to be able to continue with their education. They always need a large amount of money besides paying for the tuition but also for living, and students have to go through a lot of problems with their tuition fees in order to be able to finish their career on time and earn a better living in the future. Some students will choose to go to work part time while at school, so they can pay for their fees and their own expense, such as gas, foods, and clothing. On the other hand, most of students will choose to take out loans from somewhere else, such as the bank or federal loans. This way, students who choose to take out a loan could focus on their education without worrying about how to pay for their fees. It is very important for students to acknowledges and be aware of the different types of student loans, and all the requirements before students decide to obtain a loan. Because of the raise in tuition leads to the existence of the student loan debt is a burden that is a financial impact on lifestyle changes, such as postpone couples to get married, to have children, to buy a house and to save for retirement. Firstly, the rate of tuition is vastly different now thanShow MoreRelatedStudent Loan Debt : An Important Role For College Students1952 Words  | 8 PagesStudent Loan Debt Financial support has played an important role for college students, especially for university students, whose family could not support their education after they have graduated from high school. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Business Law IRAC Methods
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Lawfor IRAC Methods. Answer: Issue 1 Whether Jonas can sue his friend for seeking compensation for the harm incurred upon him under Contract law or Negligence law? Rule Contract Law Tort Law- Negligence and Contributory negligence Application A contract has been regarded as an agreement entered among two persons. In that agreement there must be an offer and acceptance, intent to create a lawfully binding agreement, a consideration, lawful capacity of individuals to enter in a contract and a proper understanding and consent. The above mentioned elements constitute an agreement to be enforceable between parties if these elements would not be there than there would not be any contract. Similarly, in this case there was no agreement so contract law would not be applicable for this situation. As per the law of tort, Negligence has been defined as a failure in law in order to do what a reasonable individual would have done in the situations (Legal Aid, 2016). If the plaintiff wants to establish the liability of the defendant than he has to prove three things: That the defendant owed the applicant an obligation of concern; That the defendant violated that obligation of concern; and Private harm or land injury by the plaintiff as a result of that contravention. Obligation of concern has been defined as the situations and associations under which the act has been distinguished as giving rise to a lawful obligation to receive care. Consequently, it was essential for the applicant to institute that the defendant owed them a obligation of concern. The subsistence of an obligation of concern for a private harm and land injury was originally decided by the neighbor test in the matter of Donoghue v Stevenson. In this matter it was held that for establishing an obligation of concern under the neighbor test it can be spit up into two requirements: Reasonable foresight of danger; and association of closeness. Therefore, it can be said that Jonas friend would be liable for negligence as it was his duty to warn Jonas before using the said charger as it did not had any safety mark on it. At the same time the element of contributory negligence was present in this case as contributory negligence has been regarded as an act where the plaintiff fails to take reasonable care for his own safety or loss incurred. In this case, same thing happened as the injury occurred due to the carelessness of the plaintiff as he was talking on phone while his phone was charging and although there was not safety mark; but it was well known by all the users that it has been highly restricted to use phone while charging. Conclusion Therefore, it has been concluded that though Jonass friend would be liable for negligence but Jonas would also be liable for the same as it was his own duty also for using the charger in the right way. As it was foreseen and well known fact known by Jonas that the phones should not be used while they have been put for charge. Issue 2 Whether Jonas could bring an claim against the proprietor of the caf for carelessness if the damage happened while using a non-compliant charger that was offered by an internet caf? Rule Law of Tort- Negligence and Contributory Negligence Application In this matter, the owner of the caf would be liable for the act of negligence as the injury was caused by using the non-complaint charger that was supplied by the caf. The similar case of negligence was held long back ago in which a test was established i.e. neighbor test. It stated that an individual should take sensible care in order to evade such acts which can be rationally seen as to cause damage to the neighbor. The Judge outlined the parameters of the obligation of concern in such cases stating that a person should take prudent care in order to avoid any act which a person can reasonable foresee that would likely to harm the persons neighbor. The neighbor under law has been regarded as the individual who was personally and honestly exaggerated by another persons act that he ought to have reasonably taken in deliberation as being exaggerated when he was unswerving his mind to the said acts which were called in question. The state safety authorities if Australia has warned the consumers on the danger of using cheap, non- approved USB chargers after the demise of women who died in Australia. It was established in this case that the lady died as a result of electrocution which occurred and burnt her ears and chest (Fair Trading, 2014). So, the NSW Fair Trading Commissioner made an announcement by warning the consumers of the potential risk which was associated with such type of cheap chargers. The commissioner stated that these devices pose a severe danger of electrocution or fire and because of this the fair trading investigators had detached from sale a number if illegal and non- complaint USB chargers. And also it has been affirmed by the Commissioner that the corporations or traders who were selling such unapproved electrical devices could be fined with the fine up to $ 875,000 and $87,500 respectively. The said devices were restricted as these illegal devices did not meet the indispensable securit y necessities of Australian Standards and were often built of low-grade plastics and other insulations supplies. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that the owner of the caf would be liable for the act of negligence as he was making use of such type of non- complaint charger till now even after the Fair Trading Commissioner has asked the investigators to restrict the sale and use of such chargers. But at the same time Jonas would also be liable as he was using the charger even after the clear statement which was clearly stated by the Commissioner by warning the consumers to take precautionary steps. Such act occurred earlier also where a lady was using phone while it was on charge. But Jonas did the same thing even after foreseeing the said act or knowing the consequences of the same. So it would amount to contributory negligence of both the parties. Issue 3 Whether Jonas could bring a claim for negligent misrepresentation against the proprietor of the shop if the damage happened whilst using a non-compliant USB that was purchased from an electrical supplies shop or not? Rule Law of Tort and Contract Negligent Misrepresentation Application In this situation, the shopkeeper would be liable for the act of negligent misrepresentation. Since, the law of Contract, misrepresentation affirms to a false declaration of fact which has been made by one party to another, which has the consequence of inducing the party into such agreement. Negligent Misrepresentation has been regarded as one of the kind of misrepresentation which occurs in different situations. It occurs when the defendant inaccurately makes a demonstration while having no sensible basis to believe it to be correct (Ramensky, 2016). Similar, but different to a claim for actionable misrepresentation were the claims for negligent misrepresentation. It can give rise to a physical or financial loss or injury. In order to accomplish something in a allegation for negligent misstatement the applicant must set up that a fake statement was made by the maker of the statement. In Shaddock v Parramatta City Council the responsibility was absolute for giving data as well as recommendation and it was stated that "the individual giving the data to other individual whom he knows would rely on it in situations where it was sensible for him to do so, was under an obligation to work out sensible concern that the data was accurate." It was only a case of time before the government behaved in a way to give legislative shield to customers for falsification in the appearance of the Trade Practices Act 1974 for the safety of organizations performing in business and retail and later the Fair Trading Act 1987 was enacted for granting protection to the non-corporate traders. Similarly, Section 2 of the Trade Practices Act affords that the aim of this act was to improve the wellbeing of the citizens by the encouragement of struggle and fair dealing with enactment of provisions for the purpose of protecting the consumers." S 52 (1) of the Trade Practices Act, "An organization shall not, in business or commerce, employ in any conduct that would be confusing or illusory or was likely to delude or mislead the consumers." S 42 of the Fair Trading Act, 1987 was in indistinguishable stipulations and has been applicable on the non-corporate dealers. Conclusion Therefore, it has been concluded that the shopkeeper would be liable for making compensation for the loss incurred upon Jonas as when he asked prior to the purchase that whether the charger was complaint with the Australian Standards then the shopkeeper said yes. Although, he very well knew that the charger was faulty and can harm the person then also he lied. The shopkeeper should have told the purchaser about the charger by not misleading the characteristics if the charger. Also, as per the principle of Caveat emptor which means let the buyer aware it can be concluded that as it has been believed that the buyer have less knowledge about the product so it has been the duty of the seller to tell the buyer about the truthfulness of the product. Therefore, the shop keeper would be liable for the act of misrepresentation. References: Fair Trading. (2014) Safety alert - USB style chargers. [Online] NSW Government. Available from: [Accessed on 27/09/16] Legal Aid.(2016)Negligence.[Online] Western Australia.Available from: [Accessed on 27/09/16] Ramensky, G. (2016) Fraud and negligence.[Online] Find Law Australia. Available from: [Accessed on 27/09/16]
Sunday, December 1, 2019
What impression do you receive from the Songs of Blakes own religious beliefs Essay Example
What impression do you receive from the Songs of Blakes own religious beliefs? Essay William Blake was incredibly spiritual and certainly a strong Christian, although he disliked organised religion as he saw it to be an oppressive tool. His brother died of consumption at quite a young age, and this had a profound effect on Blake, who is said to have seen his soul ascend heavenward clapping its hands for joy. I feel it is fair to argue that Blake used his poetry to express his religious views, and criticise the Churchs repressive nature. Blake Songs of Innocence and Experience certainly contain many poems with religious overtones. Blake uses various techniques to show his own feelings for, in particular, organised religion and the church. Animal imagery is particularly prominent. Holy Thursday, from Songs of Innocence depicts an image of children visiting St Pauls Cathedral. The title itself suggests the celebration of the day Jesus friend Judas betrayed him, and as a result he was taken on the following day, now known as Good Friday to be killed. On this day Jesus gave the commandment That ye love one another as I have loved you. It is this feast that the children, usually from Charity Schools, seem to be celebrating. We will write a custom essay sample on What impression do you receive from the Songs of Blakes own religious beliefs? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What impression do you receive from the Songs of Blakes own religious beliefs? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What impression do you receive from the Songs of Blakes own religious beliefs? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The children are described by Blake as walking two and two in red and blue and green, despite the vivid colour imagery used here the opening stanza still seems to be a criticism of the church. The description of the officers employed to maintain order in the church, Grey headed beadles is much more morbid and contrasts well with the brighter colours used with reference to the children. This may be Blakes way of showing his contempt for the Church. Walking two and two references the bible and the story of Noahs Ark but also depicts the regimentation of the children, who are later described as multitudes of lambs. This imagery illustrates the innocence of the children and the suppression of their individuality, as it seems Blake is implying that they all look the same, at least, perhaps, through the eyes of the church. The lambs give an impression of innocence or purity, which could be Blakes way of showing his disdain for the church, as it, as an organisation, is arguably taking away this innocence or using the naivety of the children to impose its values, taking away their choice. Either interpretation supports the idea that Blake uses his poetry to reflect his own beliefs. The Lamb, also from Songs of Innocence also arguably reflects Blakes religious views. The poem itself seems to be questioning the mystery of creation, Little Lamb who made thee? / Dost thou know who made thee? It has a simple structure and uses uncomplicated language to convey a complex meaning. The tone is happy, which is enhanced by the rhyming couplets, although it is possible that this was intended to disguise Blakes cynicism, again making the poem much more complex than it first seems. Religious imagery is used again in this poem. The explicit reference to a lamb in the title immediately implies innocence, and, again, could be an indication of the sacrificial lambs of the bible. The protagonist seems to be addressing the lamb directly, although it is possible that Blake actually intended it to be and enlightening poem. The use of the pronoun He could suggest that the lamb is Jesus, He is meek and he is mild; He became a little child, although it could too be symbolic of all children. It can be argued that Blakes intention was to use biblical references to connect with all people, as, in the time of his writing, the church was far more prominent than it is today. Although this poem implicitly references the bible with the lamb, it could too simply be Blakes way of criticising the Churchs treatment of innocent children. This being said, I feel it is possible that Blake did not intend to overtly portray his religious views in this poem. The Divine Image, from Songs of Innocence uses anthropomorphism, the attribution of human characteristics to nonhuman things, to convey its religious content. The word divine means relating to Gods, gods, or goddesses, again showing a specific religious reference. The poem seems to convey a message of God encompassing all that is positive, For Mercy has a human heart, / Pity a human face. It is possible that Blake intended this poem to contradict his other, more critical religious poems. Despite his spirituality, it would be feasible to view Blake as an atheist, because of his contempt for the church. This poem, therefore, is arguably the most accurate in showing his own religious beliefs, laid bare and free from criticism. The final stanza begins with the message And all must love the human form, / In heathen, Turk or Jew, which seems to be advocating compassion, although it is also plausible that Blake is begging the question why single people out? This seems to add on Blakes own interpretation of Christianity. Overall, the poem has a positive tone, as it suggests that all the divine qualities of Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love are held by each individual and suggests, rather than pointing out negative qualities, that people are actually inherently good. Blake also shows his religious views through his Songs of Experience, an example of this being A Little Boy Lost. Blake seems to grow increasingly negative in the Experience section of the collection. Blake uses the young boy as a symbol of free-thought, as he questions religion, And father, how can I love you, / Or any of my brothers more? Blake presents the church to be repressive, enforcing moral laws to the detriment of children. The title itself implies innocence, as Little Boy suggests a naivety. Blakes shows the church to be irrational, reacting to his innocent questioning in an over the top fashion. By the third stanza the imagery is very aggressive, In trembling zeal he seized his hair. I think it is possible that Blake uses the Priest to reflect upon the reader the attitudes of the society of the time he was writing. Priests would have generally been held in high esteem, so even the violence towards the child at the hands of the church is unlikely to have been questioned. A lso, the binding imagery, bound him in an iron chain suggests oppression and this is typical of Blakes own beliefs. The tone is sarcastic at times, and Priestly care seems to be and ironic statement. Blakes Songs of Experience contains a number of poems that mirror the ones from Innocence, Holy Thursday being an example of this. The language and imagery of this poem is much harsher than that of the Innocence poem. Blake is questioning life on earth, and the contrast between the second line of the poem and the final line of the second stanza, shows his contempt; In a rich and fruitful landIt is a land of poverty! The structure of this poem is also different to its counterpart, as the sentences are much shorter and many more questions are posed about society. Blake uses negative diction throughout, Babes reduced to misery and eternal winter being examples of this. The poem implies people living in unorganised innocence, passively accepting things that they believe they cannot change. This poem certainly seems to impose upon the reader Blakes cynicism of organised religion and perhaps the passiveness of people, who fail to question religion, as shown also in A Little Boy Lost. In conclusion, I think it is far to argue that Blake does use his poetry to reflect his own religious views and does this through his sarcasm and cynicism of the church. Arguably the poems in Experience show this more blatantly, as the imagery and diction becomes increasingly negative. The Songs of Experience do show his beliefs, but in a less aggressive way than the Songs of Experience. The impression I receive from the Songs is one of Blakes distrust of the church, and of society, but a great belief and faith in God and the capacity of well-doing held by individuals. Religion is a prominent theme in the collection, but I feel that the tone is the most important technique he exercises, as it shows his sense of humour too.
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